I am a bit behind schedule with my T'day planning this year. I blame this mostly on attempting to write a 50,000 word novel in 30 days (who chose November as National Novel Writing Month anyway?), taking a few classes and actually working at work.
To start planning for the T'day menu, I start by looking at old menus and recipes from previous years to see what worked and what didn't. Sometimes I like to switch stuff up, sometimes we have a lot of repeats. This year we are going to have some new faces at the table (food wise, the people are pretty much the same). I keep my menus and my recipes from year to year. I'll show you what those look like in a bit.
After I look at my old records, I start scouring the internets for fun new recipes that I think will add something to the meal. A lot of stuff out there seems to be reinventing the wheel, so I am pretty picky what I add to my menu. This year, I used my Pintrest boards to collect recipes and pictures I thought looked interesting and tasty. I love Pintrest.
Once I have figured out basically what I want to make, I set up a Word document to keep track of my recipes, their ingredients and directions.

Then I send the shopping list off to my parents. If you notice, there are no turkeys on my list. That is because buying the turkeys and figuring out how much we need is someone else's job. I just cook the stuff... I also write little notes in the shopping list and other intelligible things like: "Maple Syrup and whatever else we need to make this taste good." Then I cross out things I know we have and will now hope to remember to bring with me. It works for me.
Planning, part 2
So, the next part of planning is where the aforementioned food processor comes in. I used to make each recipe from start to finish without taking other recipes I was about to make as well into consideration. Two years ago I had an epiphany that if I figured out how much of each product I needed in advance, I could prep it all in advance. So, if I need 2 cups of diced onions for one recipe and 3 cups for another recipe, I can just dice up all the onions in advance and then scoop out what I need when I need it. It was quite a freeing revelation.
To do that, I go back to the recipe lists and start making notes again of the preparation of different items. The other thing this helps me do is actually read the recipes in advance. Then I am more likely (though now 100% determined) to avoid those persnickity little things like, "let this chill for 4 hours" two hours before the meal.