Sunday, August 22, 2010

The Peanut Butter-Chocolate-Peanut Butter Cake (again)

I am naming 2010 the Year of Peanut Butter.

When asked what kind of cake she would like for her birthday, my friend Patti responded with a dainty, "chocolate peanut butter, please."  And so, I recreated the chocolate peanut butter chocolate cake from a few months ago. 

This time, don't tell, but I totally cheated.  I used a chocolate cake mix.  I made the ganache and buttercream from scratch, but the problem is the the chocolate cake from a cake mix really tastes as good as anything I make from scratch.  Often, it's better.  Chemicals make for good moisture, what can I say?

Anyway, here it is C-PB-C take two:
Patti enjoying her cake.


  1. I will kill you on our next brunch date for posting the last two photos

  2. Wow, I am really regretting asking Patti to smile more for that second picture. That right there is "Tom Cruise crazy."

  3. OK, I took down the last photo because I really don't like to scare children (it's a myth).

    But look, it's getting more people to look at the blog. I picked up a new follower! You know how most people have a 100 follower contest? Maybe I'll have one for 10 followers...
