Thursday, June 24, 2010

The Blueberry Tart

For Father's Day this year I made a blueberry tart.  I should rephrase: for Father's Day this year, I made a blueberry tart with the HARDEST crust of all time.  I have no idea what went wrong.  I'll get to that in a minute.

There was a recipe in the June Bon Appetite for a Lime Tart with Blackberries and Blueberries.  This was perfect because I like lime and my niece, who both her father and my father adore, LOVES blueberries.  I followed the directions pretty much to a T (note the pretty much, could have been the issue).  The curd came out well.  The only issue was getting it into the fridge to chill as opposed to my mouth to be eaten.  I made the crust in the food processor rather than the mix-master and I forgot to poke holes in it when I put it in the oven.  The result to one or the other of these things, or that perhaps I just cooked it for a few minutes too long, was that it was pretty solid.  It was good, but it was "pick up with your fingers, lick the filling off and then eat the bottom" kind of good.  At least it looked pretty.

Of course, the irony was that Maggie, my niece, wouldn't touch the blueberries and had ice cream for dessert.

I should also mention that it being Father's Day meant that the fathers got to choose what they wanted to do.  In this case it was rebuild the back stairs.  And it was approximately 1,000 degrees outside.  Here are the fathers and to pay them due homage, their stairs.

mon frere

mon pere


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